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Our Flotilla members are involved in many things to include public education, crew training, event safety patrol, vessel safety checks and more.  If you  are interested in volunteering, please contact the Flotilla Commander.

USS Edson Escort Mission

Recently, members of the Lansing Flotilla assisted the Bay City Flotilla with a mission to escort the USS Edson to her final home.  

On June 21st and 22nd,  a team from the Lansing Flotilla joined the members of the the Bay City Flotilla to provide safety and security support for the annual River Roar boat races. 


boaters with VSC Sticker Vessel Safety Checks

On Saturday June 9th,  the Vessel Safety Exam Team of Ralph North, Rio Annis and Jonathan M. Ahlbrand performed 25 Vessel Safety Checks in a 6 hour period at the Lake Lansing North Boat Ramp.  Boat owners were cooperative and glad that we were there.  

One of the best comments of the day from one boater was: " I pulled into the launch area,  saw you guys in uniform and realized that I had left all of my life jackets at home, so I had to go back and get them".